My research group is based at Heriot-Watt University, in the Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering. We are interested in sample processing of complex media, e.g. for waterborne pathogen monitoring or for bioprocessing applications, and the treatment and detection of pathogens/antimicrobial resistance (mainly in water). We particularly focus on the use of microfluidics, especially inertial focusing techniques, in these applications. My group is also very active in public engagement.
From 2009-2015 I held a Royal Academy of Engineering/EPSRC Research Fellowship investigating new methods of waterborne pathogen monitoring. For the first two and a half years of my Fellowship I was based at the University of Edinburgh before I moved to Heriot-Watt.
More information about my ongoing projects can be found on the specific Research Interests page with publications detailed on the Publications page. I am always looking for talented and self-motivated individuals to join my research group so please do contact me to discuss this further. Other information on this webpage includes my teaching responsibilities (Teaching), my curriculum vitae (CV) and a blog where the latest news of publications, patents, conferences presentations etc can be found.
Contact Details:
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 0044 131 451 3355